Your turn., But Happy! Tony attempted to protest, and the other man simply glared. Peter said as he ran off the elevator into the awaiting arms of an equally tearful Tony Stark. He was still irritated though at his AI's need to over ride him for his health. Da no. I mean, I REALLY want to come and surely shell say yes but I should ask, Peter said rapidly, and Tony laughed again, louder this time. But pain leads to power, or so people say, and Agent Sola certainly is powerful. 30. There was a beat of silence over the line where Peter looked hopefully up at the ceiling with bated breath. Dr Strange + Wong (aka Sorcerer Supreme and Bey Spider-Man has been the object of the Avengers secret affections for quite some time now, even without them knowing his real identity. Hey Mr Stark, Peter said. Peter Parker has been using mechanical web-shooters for decades, but organic webs work better for his character and spider-inspired persona. I didnt work on him but only because thats our thing. "Characters Watch Their Movies" fanfiction? - Avengers Fanfic/Fanworks Hope hes ordered something good.. Why? He pushed all the thoughts of the Avengers and what was to come to the back of his mind. Then he settled down to watch tv allowing himself an escape for his mind. Peter called up to his AI friend. Hey Pete, Tony said after they had been working for an hour. Thats Dum-E. Hes the first bot I ever made, Tony said proudly. OH MY GOD! 4. 2. Peter Parker & The Avengers Chapter 1: Meeting, an avengers fanfic Peter raced in and skidded to a stop in front of Tony. So, tell me about BB-8. After moving out to live with his old mentor in the Avengers Compound, he stumbles into his childhood heroes (as well as teenage enemies) having sex on the couch. I'm an orphan again (Spider-Man fanfic), The Avengers (Marvel movies)-all media types, Spider-man Homecoming (Tom Holland movies), Peter Parker is a sweet innocent angel who deserves all the love and attention in the world, Quiero que sepas que nunca voy a dejarte (porque soy la Sra.Stark), James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Steve Rogers, I Needed the BATHROOM but I'll take the job, Peter has had his powers for several years now, Idea that was based on a fanfic, Tony is the first one who initiates the kiss kiss with petey, You get more Andrew Spidey sassTM than Tom Holland sass, They're actually kinda creepy with how possesive they are, He's a bit of a douche to start but he's my fav character so he doesn't stay that way for long, Characters are from different tv shows/movies/comics, Really understand that this is basically the Avengers being fuckbuddies with peter, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, tbh the avengers are actually pretty sweet, ig i really wanted people to know that this isn't a platonic relationship thing, Clint Barton/Peter Parker/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), avengers are awful but they're not murderers, peter parker/bucky barnes/sam wilson/steve rogers, Heaven Is In The Red Fog (Gee Thanks Thanos! Friday called. Beyond Spiderman, there is a brilliant young man in there and I want to see him flourish. As he made his way down he asked Karen to patched Mr.Stark through. I'm to remind you that you have dinner with Tony, Rhodey, Happy, and Miss Potts in an hour.". three kids, stolen from their families (or lack thereof) grow up in a hydra lab, with nothing but each other and their gifts to help them survive. Ever since his spinnerets started developing his urges to climb and spin webs tripled. Motor oil is good for you but not for us. See how hours of making sure no one knows the state secretary likes to play flappy bird during meetings makes you feel about a few hours of much needed shut eye. He was still human and he went to see his doctors monthly to see how his mutations were coming along. His hands were always warm, and heat radiated off him like an incinerator. left kudos on this work! The deep navy walls of his room were covered in platforms, a mixture of curved beams that branched and criss-crossed overhead, and smaller rooms; little nooks that he could climb into that had their own heating and cooling. 18 year old Peter Parker is starting a new chapter of his life as a full-time Avengers Recruit and College Student. One thing the Avengers dont know is how powerful the secretly mutated boy really is. The (unexpected) Ultimate Spider Man Chapter 1: Webbings, an ultimate Peter thinks he's dreaming, but he realizes this is his new reality. It was also annoying because Peter was hurting and sleepy and he had school tomorrow and he somehow had to figure out an excuse to explain his sorry state to his Aunt before morning. Sure Tones. Tony was even able to forgive Natasha (only because she cornered him one night and forced him to hash everything out with her). ", "I'll text them to you. Peter laughed a few tears spilling down his cheeks. Dum-E, we need to clean this up, Tony said as the little bot chirped and approached him. character: jane foster character: jarvis character: laufey character: loki character: maria hill character: natasha romanov character: obadiah stane character: peggy carter character: pepper potts character: peter parker character: phil coulson character: pietro maximoff character: sam wilson character: sif character: stephen strange Please note anyone starting this fic that I do eventually learn this thing called spacing and will eventually go back and fix all the chapters that are an eye sore of text blocks but, today is not that day. It was a kings ransom, hed never had a target command this kind of fee. Ill just be the second favourite, Peter replied, and Tony laughed. 7. Hours later, Tony walked into his lab where Peter was waiting for him idly scrolling on his phone while petting Dum-E. "Did you buy me flowers?" Tony led Peter own to the empty bench and Peter looked at it in slight confusion. He's used to life being chaotic, messy, and downright upsetting at the best of times. The one he took to Germany.. Work Search: What are the bets right now? Weve got a visitor coming today and he shouldnt have to deal with our mess.. And not die trying. Everyone in the media was always wary of enhanced people and even scared of them especially with the whole "inhuman outbreak". He watches as she strokes her hand down her belly, smiling softly as if she and Peter are talking about whether they agree with the name or not. Fury has banned me from showing you the meeting officially but, unofficially you have to wait a week to view it so, it doesn't affect team building. So, Tony flew the Spider-Kid to Germany, revamped his suit and pointed him in the direction of the fight. Peter was staring up at Rhodey with wide eyes and Tony laughed. *Not connected to my other stories, (Stand alone). Field Trip Part 2 The worst part was that he knows he's not done. 10. He honestly doesn't know if he could handle it if one of them teased him about feeling the need to walk on the ceiling or his occasional late night confusion with gravity. Okoye It doesn't have a name, or know its age. Peter could hear a slight waver at the joke. Being a superhero is hard. This is the thanks I get for allowing my protege a little extra shut eye. Did you work on BB-8 today? Ive got something to float past you T.S. Since he got bit a second time he now has organic webbing. Please consider turning it on! Surprises Come in all Packages Chapter 1: Discovery, a - FanFiction Hey Kid, Tony said happily down the line. They wouldn't hate him like that! Originally posted on two years ago, I was finally ambitious enough to cross-post it here. Because you are just Peter, Tony explained softly. I have never been able to be just Tony. After Tony had called May Parker and received her approval, he messaged Peter and told him the news. 8. Hey buddy. What would they think about his weird tendencies and urges! Thats alright. (pages and pages of google docs links)(). Read to find out. Peter struggles to find more ways to make him love him, but at what cost? I am dyslexic there will be mistakes. Or will he be faced with life on the streets? 29. Thanks for lunch, Tony said softly. "She is probably going to kill me for doing this over the phone. It was hard to fall asleep last night knowing all the Avengers are going to get my life story and then I'm going to have to meet them later. What interested Miles the most was how some people said he shoots webs like a spider. Will he be placed in foster care? He focused on the chill taking deep breaths till he calmed down. Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider. They even set up a bench solely for Peter to work at. "I guess you guys are my bro-bots now." Mr Stark, youre rambling, Peter said teasingly, and Tony flicked the teen on the nose. This was the day Peter would lose his life as Spiderman and his freedom. They could eventually see him as capable, he just had to prove himself. He was never letting him go. I was in chemistry when your message came through and it felt like the class would drag on forever, Peters excited voice echoed down the line and Rhodey watched as the nervousness left Tonys smile and the smile became more sincere. His heart ached in hope he was somewhat hinting he was considering it. Steve But what happened when the Avengers wake up to see a young man humming to himself as he cleaned up the mess of the floor, without Spider-Man anywhere in sight?What happens when they realise Spider-Man is a twink? Hey Mr Stark. Tony and Rhodey spent their lunch tossing ideas back and forth about what to do with peter. But, you know I'm no good at the heart to hearts." Peter is Tony and Pepper's biological child. He could hear the AI smiling. Kid, I have had people all my life telling me who to be, how to act, what to do and a whole bunch of other stuff. Organic webbing means you have an unlimited amount of webbing. Peter used one sticky hand to lower him from the cushions and nest of blankets onto the lower beams. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). avengers fanfiction peter calls tony during a meeting - MEBW "Tell Mr. Stark I'm up and even though I'm grateful for the sleep I'm not happy about him conspiring with my AI. Peter felt restless. This place is awesome! It wasn't like there was anyone else going through this. Without waiting for an answer, Happy left Tonys lab. Bruce and Cho had agreed it would be best for his health to use them on the daily but, they wouldn't develop their full strength for a long while. A Change in Chemistry. In the aftermath of Sokovia, he finds himself retired and alone in an empty Stark Tower. He could do that. His friend genuinely thought that people only wanted him for what he could give them. I had nothing particular in mind, Tony answered, and Peter looked around the lab like a kid in a candy store. But as they worked, Tony was beginning to see Peter as a permanent fixture in his lab and life. This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it. Peter wants Daddy's attention. MCU sprinkles as I like to call them. Or how awkward he felt about the whole thing. After the man of the hour arrived, the spent the night 'partying' and watching movies. Great. I'm going to be completely honest and say that i'm solely writing this because i came across this fic and felt so sad for peter and wanted some sort of comfort, so i made my own extra chapter.
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